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BX-777 : Hot Slip Non Crossed Link Shrink Film

This fast sealing film maximizes production rates yet provide consistently strong seals. The high slip ensures a smoother flow of packages, easier insertion into boxes and faster collation.

Features & Benefits

  • Exhibits superior transparency and gloss due to consistent air evacuation.
  • Excellent and cleanest shrink appearance with special attention to removing dog-ears and crow’s feet.
  • Hot Slip prevents packages from sticking together with the property of the film after shrinkage, allowing efficient and fast pack-outs.
  • Has a wide heat-sealing range providing superior electrostatic seals.
  • Excellent stiffness and stability that does not become frail with age.
<a href="">BX-777<br>Hot Slip</a>


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bx777 - 3

The following data are nominal values based on PSTC, ASTM and other standard tests. The data should not be considered as specifications.


  1. Recycle (Dry or Wet processing to extrude into pellets)
  2. Waste to Energy (WtE) through incineration (most desirable)
  3. Land fill


Storage below 32 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit) is recommended.

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